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I was speaking with a client this week and she reminded me about the 5-second rule. This comes from Mel Robbins, who says that if you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within five seconds, or your brain will kill it.

Why? Because our brains like to be lazy. This comes from our evolution because rest was important if you needed to hunt for your next meal.

Today we don’t need to conserve so much energy so you can make a decision to get off the couch and do something to help yourself.

Decisions – NOT conditions – are what ultimately determine our destiny.

There are three decisions we’re all making consciously or unconsciously. And when you’re aware of these three decisions, you can strengthen your decision-making muscle, gain more clarity about what you want, and ultimately create more joy and more fulfilment in your life!

April is here and I want to ask you this question 👇

Are you still feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or frustrated and want to avoid another year of these same emotions?

You can turn it all around right now all on your own., because you can decide what to focus on, in every moment of your life.

My last two newsletters have focused on mindset and having regrets. This one is how to use focus as your friend.

I see many people who want to make changes but struggle to commit to them. They tend to procrastinate which leads to them self-sabotaging any efforts they make. 

I was speaking with a client this week and she reminded me about the 5-second rule. This comes from Mel Robbins, who says that if you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within five seconds, or your brain will kill it.

Why? Because our brains like to be lazy. This comes from our evolution because rest was important if you needed to hunt for your next meal.

Today we don’t need to conserve so much energy so you can make a decision to get off the couch and do something to help yourself.

Decisions – NOT conditions – are what ultimately determine our destiny.

There are three decisions we’re all making consciously or unconsciously. And when you’re aware of these three decisions, you can strengthen your decision-making muscle, gain more clarity about what you want, and ultimately create more joy and more fulfilment in your life!

 What am I going to FOCUS on?

What we choose to focus on affects our whole life.

Unfortunately, what most people focus on is what they fear – it’s human nature!

We all have a brain that is designed to keep us safe and alert us to danger.

What we focus on, we feel – whether it’s true or not.

And as Tony Robbins says, “where focus goes, energy flows.”.

What if you spent this time focusing on gratitude or cultivating a growth mindset? 

What does this MEAN?

The meaning you assign to things will ultimately shape how you feel.

Is someone criticizing you, or instead, offering valuable insights?

The most successful people in the world can take ANY experience and make it work FOR them.

Focus on creating a meaning that empowers you, and your brain will find the resources to make it happen.

What am I going to DO?

How are you going to respond? How can you grow during this time?

If you’re angry, you’re going to do something different than if you’re feeling grateful.

Meaning has a profound impact on the actions you take (or don’t take)!

Making these decisions helps you move from a world where other people are making decisions for you, to a world where you’re in control.

 Our destiny is shaped by our decisions. And throughout a lifetime, you’ll make thousands of decisions.

These are three that you make DAILY that have tremendous influence in the present and the future.

It’s up to YOU to control your focus.

You can decide to be frustrated, angry, or scared...

Or you can decide to be grateful, joyful, and motivated.